Thursday, August 8, 2013

Donnie Baseball needs to stop sharing . . .

Recently, Don Mattingly, the manager for the Los Angeles Dodgers stated that he almost lost his job as manager of the Dodgers. This goes back to his slamming management earlier this season, which had many believing that it was only a matter of time before he was let go.

Don Mattingly tell us that team president, Sam Kasten, told him that the team might make a move, even though he (Kasten) didn't want to make a move (fire Mattingly) at that time (May 2013). Mattingly stated that he believes that Kasten wasn't threatening him, simply being honest. Don appreciates honesty.

Don, Don, Don! Dude, you sound like a teenager that is over-analyzing your relationship with a girl and you are seeking help from all of your friends by talking about it. I will tell you, as I was in the same position once, well, maybe five or six times before, and you haven't learned to shut up about it. Your "friends" listen only because you may reveal intimate details about your relationship and you bore us with your mulling and whining.

Don Mattingly, Los Angeles Dodgers Team Manager ((USATSI))
Management is not your girlfriend in this case, but like your girlfriend, once you talk about her in public AND she finds out that you are talking about her . . . dude, woman are frightening when they want revenge. Dodgers' management doesn't want to hear about "when they almost fired you" because down the road, the public will, bring it back up and direct their fury at management - it will never go away.

Don, you have your job. You like your job? Take it from me: stop talking about your intimate conversations to EVERYONE. You will pay the price in many ways: People will not trust you because you reveal everything to everyone. Your employer won't trust you either and prospective employers won't give you the time of day.

I hope shes worth it.

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